Friday, November 5, 2010

Rules Of Engagement

Men always say women play the games. They complain that women flirt with them with no intention of taking it further, that they get a guy to buy the drinks and then move on to the next guy, that women dress provocatively just to tease the guy with no intention of 'putting out'....
And I have to agree. And I defend women everywhere who do this, because the fact is that men play games too. And in fact, the games men play are by far more complicated.
If you imagine the dating scenario to be a game of chess, most often than not you'll find that all the women are doing is playing on the defense - counter acting every move the guy makes. You never really find the woman going on the offense, taking charge and leading the guy. (disclaimer: I am speaking from an overall perspective of what I've observed although I accept there are individual cases to the contrary)
If you look at it, why would a woman be less than cynical and hard-hearted towards men on meeting them, when so much of the time they seem driven by the single goal of trying to get you into bed? Even an evening that has gone well, becomes tinged with disillusionment and distaste when you end your evening needing to explain to the guy that you want to take things slow. Or even worse, I've found that even after you explain this to them, you end up deflecting their sometimes not so subtle attempts to override your decision. Sometimes I wonder if they're so focused on 'getting some' that they don't hear the words you're saying, or whether it just makes no difference. But yes, I do accept that there are some men out there who are perfect gentlemen. But being so few and far between they're snapped up before you can say 'shazam'.:)
But getting back to my initial point, how do you expect us women to not play games, when it appears the entire dating scenario is nothing but a game??! A woman cannot tell a guy too early that she likes him because it will scare him off, so she pretends to be aloof and plays hard to get to reel him in, a woman cannot be bold enough to jump into bed with a guy she really really likes on the first night because the chances are she'll lose him thereafter, a woman cannot call or text the guy as much as she wants because that's asking to be forgotten and taken for granted. So come on gentlemen, tell me.. what are our options??!..
For a group that consistently claims to be the simpler sex, you guys have sure complicated this playing field..So is it any wonder that the women have as many 'issues' as you guys say we do? Perhaps we're jut trying to maintain our dignity and self worth playing a game that for the most part we have no interest in.

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