Friday, August 5, 2011


Im not sure what to say about it.. I'm not sure I really understand..
Well actually my brain gets it, but somewhere along the way it all gets muddled up in my head and I don't know what to think.
Maybe it's silly to get upset about it, after all it was only three months, and it probably was more trouble than it was worth.. but still..
I know we were arguing a lot, and I wasn't surprised when he told me it was over, but I suppose somewhere I hoped that we wouldn't come to that.
But we did, and he seemed very sure that this is what he wanted, so I don't harbour any hope that things will work out for us, and i dont harbour any (real) ill will against him..
I don't know what I'm really upset about.. the fact that I pinned so many hopes on this, the fact that I had invested so much into it, or that I thought we were both in it for the long run, or the fact that it turns out he wasn't.
Either way, Im upset and annoyed, and I don't have anything to say.. more so because all my brain keeps coming up with is 'what just happened'....I get it.. and yet I don't.

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